• Beautiful! Sometimes even Christians who have been in relationship with Jesus need a reminder of His Power, and our right as His Children to use it. It is also good, especially in this time of turmoil, to realize how IMPORTANT it is to pray for, and with, one another. To lift each other up to the LORD and pray. And if you are so moved, to pray for your enemies. 

    Dear LORD, I lift Your patriots up to you in prayer. Grant them peace of mind, wholeness of spirit, and a strong heart. Send them discernment and wisdom. Provide them with every one of their needs as Your Will, and heal the divides between mother and father, sister and brother, man and woman, child and adult. Place a hedge of protection around them and send your Warriors to aid in the battle against the evils of this world that reflect the Battle in the Heavenlies.

    In thins Your Name, I ask you Jesus. AMEN and AMEN!


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